Turf FAQ for November 2022

Climatically it's been a pretty difficult November for Course managers this year; starting with a record warm spell, adding vast amounts of rainfall to that didn't do much to reduce the disease pressure across the board. There is more of a chill in the air now, and looking at the forecast they are predicting a fluttering of snow in the next few weeks but I'll believe that when I see it!

It feels like October and November have been trying their hardest to replenish all the lost water for that dry Summer (which feels a long time ago now!) and for some clubs which have experienced above average rainfall, this is very much the case already! But if we had a say, we’d rather see that rainfall spread out a little more. Hopes for next year if nothing more.

I didn’t get chance to talk about Microdochium patch pressure this month, but from those I’ve spoken to the pressure has been fairly bad. So I’ll try and shine a light on that next month, as December has the potential to be worst, unless we get that repeat ‘beast from the East‘ move through, but I’m not convinced that’s on the cards…

For those who can’t wait, here’s a throw back to a 2020 Glenn’s assessment of Jim Arthur’s tactics for managing the most common UK turf disease.

Jim Arthur’s Practical Greenkeeping – still relevant?

Dollar spot

I did talk about Dollar spot, it does look to be moving ‘up country’ with clubs seeing it which have not had issues before. See the blog here for more details, this is going to be one to watch if climate trends continue:

Dollar spot, in November?!


Leaf wetness

We’ve seen increased fungal disease pressure due to the mild (in some cases down right warm) and moist conditions.

I spent a little time trying to get under the skin of leaf wetness, and why its got such strong potential to drive disease earlier this month.

With a lot of time and resources going into dew control measures by teams at this time of year it’s good to reflect on why this work is so important in the bigger picture.

Jim Arthur’s Practical Greenkeeping – still relevant?


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