Category: Environment

Operation Pollinator day at Huntercombe Golf Club


Operation Pollinator day at Huntercombe Golf Club

Operation Pollinator Winner


GEA Operation Pollinator winner Huntercombe Golf Club visit


Pitch Focus with ICL


Pitch Focus Rear View Mirror

Spring and the first application of Primo Maxx


Spring has sprung


State of Dragonflies 2021

I couldn’t help myself – I felt this brilliant piece of work on the state of Dragonflies was worth sharing. I spend a lot of time talking to people about the seeming increase in Cranefly populations that we are seeing. This document does a great job at looking at how some insects are really benefiting…


Aeration trial – get involved

I’m looking for some help now.   I need as many people as possible to commit to a trial looking at the implication of aeration on leatherjackets and the putting surface. Quick note: You can listen this to this article as a Podcast – just the play button below. It’s pretty simple and will involve…


Biostimulants – Anything new?

Biostimulants have been used in turf for forever. Flicking through my heavily worn “Practical Greenkeeping” by Jim Arthur (who incidentally would have celebrated his 100th Birthday recently). I can see endless references to “biostimulants”. Sand and Seaweed stacked and turned, Soot, Cocoa waste, sewage sludge, spent mushrooms, etc the list goes on and on. What…


Operation Pollinator action for Autumn

Here at GreenCast Advisory we always welcome special guest blogs with the views and advice of specialist experts in their fields, or in this case meadows. STRI Senior Ecologist, Sophie Olejnik, is an incredible enthusiast for all things environmental around the golf course and a great supporter of Syngenta Operation Pollinator. Read on to find…


Climate Change Powers Global Pests

When talking to Turf managers about the regulatory pressures on Insecticides and the challenges ahead, conversation often stumbles into milder winters and the impact they are having on insect populations. I came across the below article from Croplife today (which is a great website if this kind of stuff interests you) which although aimed at…


COVID19: an Opportunity for Operation Pollinator?

With reduced maintenance and reduced traffic, is Mother Nature flourishing without our intervention and does this represent an opportunity for Operation Pollinator? With everything that’s going on at the moment it probably seems like a strange time to talk about signing up to Operation Pollinator (which, incidentally is really easy to do). Sophie Oleinik, STRI…