Clegg Hammer

Whilst having a dig around in the office cupboards (like you do when you start a new job) I stumbled across a Clegg hammer.If you're not familiar with a Clegg hammer they're an instrument used to measure the firmness of a surface and the thing of dreams to a course manager who is regularly defending the firmness20180612_140245.jpg of their greens as they transition from spring into summer mode. One of the best things about my new role is getting to visit several golf courses during short periods of time - this enables me to compare different sites at a similar time rather than having the insular view I had when I managed my own course. Coupled with my newly found Clegg hammer I've been able to do some real readings at a number of courses and begin building a database of data about "real life" readings and with time how they compare to moisture levels. It's early days but if I ever visit you and you want me to Clegg your greens - please say. The more data I can get the better. As time goes on I hope to correlate the Clegg readings against moisture readings. No real conclusions at the moment - all the course managers where generally happy with the firmness and felt they were at a comfortable point to keep members happy - any firmer would begin to enter into "controversial" phase. Some of the courses were on a Qualibra program. Our research has shown that Qualibra can help to maintain moisture during dry periods and but ensure high moisture levels are avoided in wet periods. I'll be intrigued to see what impact this has over time on these firmness readings. clegg 3clegg 1clegg 2clegg 4 Now I'm off to dig around in another cupboard - I'm hoping I'll find a Moisture probe !

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