Rain at last…

Great day yesterday with a group of turf guys talking about fungicide planning for the autumn. Now this doesn't mean using lots or even any, but looking at your surfaces, assessing the risk and putting a plan in place for what you might need, to get the best surfaces, with the least cost. A difficult balancing act at times!......and whilst the rain lashes at the window, I had one Course Manager tweet me and with the rain coming down and soil temps starting to warm up he wondered what would be best to use just in case he needed it. lots of options but for me I usually, think Headway https://www.greencast.co.uk/product/crop-protection/fungicide/headway-2 It is great at this time, you have in AZ (Azoxystrobin) and PPZ (Propiconazole) two systemic actives which work well in these conditions and you get near enough two thirds of each active for one product, they work on Fusarium very well but also on other diseases too. Recent research shows Headway is superb in warm conditions if applied preventatively, so keep an eye on Greencast to keep an eye on disease pressure in your area. Now one might argue that you should just grow it out at this time and I think it totally depends on your situation and how much risk you can take. If you have a big comp. coming up you might not want to take any risk, but alternatively you might not think the cost is worth it...up to you.. just be prepared. Also one thing to think about if you do apply a fungicide around now is what you choose based on the rest of the year and other benefits. Instrata has one application and you might want to save that for a more important time, whereas Headway or Heritage are great as you may get a knock on benefit on other summer diseases which you might run into. AZ has shown efficacy on Fairy ring control and also has shown to help germination of seedlings, so any overseeding you may have been waiting to do, might get an extra benefit. Just don't use more than two AZ applications back to back. Capture Anyway, that's it short and sweet, if you are think about using a fungicide just be conscious of what pressure is coming, any additional benefits you might get if you select the right fungicide and what you need in the autumn based on ever decreasing apps on the label. below if have just put the decision circle we use when choosing fungicides Its quite straightforward - think about what areas you need to treat, assuming all IPM iis in place, what grass you have, this will dictate type and amount of disease pressure and then what practices you are undertaking. At this time im sure pressure is on clubs to get the greens faster so reducing height of cut and maybe this might help increase chances of anthracnose or fusarium. Once you know what you need to deal with, pick the right products, think about what is coming next and rotate mode of action as best you can, i always think is it like a snooker player thinking three shots in advance, and then apply correctly at right rate, water volume and speed. Capture

have fun investigating and ...any help you need please mail me at moc.atnegnys@toofthgil.leinad

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