Microdochium Patch Survey 2024

The issue is no one likes filling out surveys, but everyone likes gleaming the useful nuggets of information from the results. The more people fill in the Microdochium patch 2024 survey the more we can hope to learn about the different practices used to get this disease under control.


Microdochium patch disease remains the most important disease threat for the majority of UK & Ireland based greenkeepers.

That being said, it has been the case for so long that most turf managers now have a tried and tested plan to deal with the disease risk period.

What to do, and what not to do, what to watch for and actions that need to be taken to manage the disease.

That being said we always have new turf managers coming into the game, or perhaps established course managers moving from a course with no pressure to one with high pressure.

Following the success of the 2024 dollar spot survey (you can see that here) I’m reaching out to you again for support please.

We do a lot of turf trials in the UK & Ireland for R&D purposes, and to keep tabs on how our products perform in different conditions, but real world experiences of disease pressures on managed turf from you are also invaluable.

Please do take a few minutes to fill out the 2024 survey, I know its not the time to be thinking about Microdochium, we’ve only just got back to good consistent growth but collecting data year on year is going to help build a long term picture of how the disease is shifting.

We intend to keep running these surveys so we can look back and pick out how changing climate and management practices effect the disease.

Fill out the Microdochium patch 2024 survey please!


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