Category: Insects


LeatherJackets what are we looking for?

It’s that time of year when LeatherJackets begin to become visible. Now is when I’d start to encourage people to start placing small sheets down on the surface of their playing surfaces to begin to evaluate the numbers of these pests they are dealing with and logging the results. I’d recommend small 1m2 square sheets…


Late Cranefly emergence

After the heavy rainfall this weekend I had several course managers reporting a late emergence of Cranefly just when they thought it was all over! The obvious question on there mind was “Do I stick with my Acelepryn timing plans?“ The answer to that is yes. The more we study the emergence pattern of the…


I haven’t seen any Cranefly should I still apply Aceleprn?

I’m getting asked this question alot. I’ve bought my Acelepryn, waited for peak flight and I just haven’t seen any……. Should I wait? Should I apply now? Should I not use it? Ok lets start at the beginning, any Acelepryn purchased under the Emergency Authorisation for Cranefly in 2021 must be used by the 29th…


Cranefly emergence – Is it starting yet?

Whilst undertaking my normal morning scroll through the Twitter turf world I saw a few people are seeing the beginning of the Cranefly hatch and the general feeling was that it was a little early. These aren’t the first sightings – My whatsapp and Inbox has seen a few hatching images over the last 2…


Aeration trial – get involved

I’m looking for some help now.   I need as many people as possible to commit to a trial looking at the implication of aeration on leatherjackets and the putting surface. Quick note: You can listen this to this article as a Podcast – just the play button below. It’s pretty simple and will involve…


Please get involved – LeatherJacket survey

The apparent increase in populations of leatherjackets and chafer grubs often poses a real challenge for turf managers in terms of controlling the pests to minimise damage. There are currently a limited number of approved products available to control the problem and with limited label restrictions for certain sectors. You may remember I put together…


Higher Temperatures Forecast – Late Hatch?

Just a quick blog, the temperatures are forecast to lift this weekend (the forecast is highlighted in green below) At last! Historically we’ve seen the Spring hatch around 20C and finally we’re going to hit that this weekend (I hope!). Check out this blog for more info on this concept…….. Above chart shows the max…


Spotted Cranefly spotted

The last couple of weeks have been all about LeatherJackets and forgive me for continuing to share my thoughts. The recent Webinar I did with BIGGA to discuss the challenge has increased the number of conversations I’ve had about this subject and shown me how little I know as well as how much we have…


Warmer weather = Spring hatch?

Loading… Live table showing reported sightings Its the 23rd April 2021 and the reported sightings of a Marsh Cranefly (the 2 lifecycle a year ones) hatch are now coming in. The first sightings came in a round 4 weeks ago now in the very mild areas of the country and from some areas using undersoil…


Spring LeatherJacket activity

It’s starting, a few reports of cranefly beginning to hatch are coming in. In fact they started a couple of weeks back – particularly on sites that had reported early damage. These tend to be in the mildest areas of the country. I’m definitely seeing patterns between warmer sections of the country and levels of…