Category: Disease


Managing Dollar Spot


Damage V Population

I did a presentation this week for the BIGGA Continue 2 Learn programme which you can find at the bottom of this. You can listen to this blog as a Podcast if that is easier for you. Just tap play below. I intend to expand on a few of the points I made in that…


Christmas 2020

The last couple of years we’ve seen some real turf disease pressure over the Christmas period. I talked about the Moisture / Temperature relationship in one of my recent Blogs and thought it was a good chance to pull the data out for where I am down South compared to last Christmas. Each dot on…


Leaf wetness and temperature

All experienced turf managers know there are some weather conditions that lead to high Microdochium patch pressure. Prolonged periods of leaf wetness and optimum temperatures are exactly those. I wrote an article recently on this concept and how these factors influence the development of Fuz. Read it here….. By plotting these two factors on a…


Microdochium time

It’s a tricky time of year to manage disease right now and true to form there’s a lot of disease pressure floating about. The biggest problem I see is that turf managers hope or believe that small amount of a disease will grow out because they are still getting some growth. Preventative fungicide applications are…


Unlock and Play – disease edition

All the way through this trial we’ve talked about the stresses that are generally forgotten about: Golfer traffic Machine wear UV light Temperature August has a habit of delivering some awkward disease weather, longer dews, humidity and dropping temperatures. Add in a renovation period and disease can sneak up on you quite quickly. So once…


Autumn Anthracnose Management

I’m seeing and hearing about a lot of Anthracnose rumbling around at the moment. I thought I’d share my thoughts on why we are seeing this now, some clues, what dangers to look out for and best turf management practices if you’re in this situation. Why are we seeing it now? If we roll the…


Instrata Elite + Red Thread = Good news. But what’s involved?

We have some good news for you all – we now have Red Thread on the label for Instrata Elite. Particularly for those of you in Lawn Care where Red Thread is a much larger issue. I’ve been with Syngenta just Over 2 years now and Instrata Elite has been with us a little longer.…


Red Thread – Frequently Asked Questions?

What is Red Thread? Red Thread is a turf disease found in across the UK and Ireland. It’s fairly common, it can impact the appearance of turf but generally doesn’t disrupt playing surfaces. What causes Red Thread? Red thread is caused by the fungi Laetisaria fuciformis. When growing conditions are good infection may be transient…


Anthracnose – Frequently Asked Questions?

What is anthracnose? Anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola ) is a turf disease pathogen that can affect turf across the UK and Ireland. It is typically viewed as the second most common turf disease, after microdochium patch. Anthracnose can affect all turf species but is most prevalent on Poa and Fescue grasses. The pathogen can result in…