Mese: Agosto 2022
3 tips for using Historic Turf Disease Information
Cranefly hatch – how will the heat impact?
How will the cranefly hatch break in 2022? Back in 2020 we saw a dry and hot July which I wrote about here and at that time I think I was expecting it to drive an earlier hatch due to the dry weather. 2020 was hot and we experienced serious fires around the London area…
Waitea Patch and Grey leaf spot
With the record drought grabbing the headlines in the UK its easy to forget about the record temperatures we’re also experiencing. Of course a new climate means new opportunities for pathogens that have been sitting unnoticed historically and now have the ability to thrive. Generally turf diseases need two things to thrive, optimum temperature and…
July FAQs 2022
Here’s the July 2022 Monthly FAQ blog. A run through of the questions that get thrown my way during the month. After all, if one person asks the question a lot of other people are thinking the same. It’s been a fairly quite month this July, I suspect the decent growing conditions at the beginning…