October FAQs 2021

October has been a mild month to date with plenty of disease pressure and as always there has been plenty of questions about which fungicide to use. These milder periods inspired me to put this blog together looking at how the temperatures look when you break them down into hourly chunks. I put this together…

Has October 2021 been a cold one?

One of the things Henry and myself have been chatting about “On the Horizon” is the concept of sub 2c stopping hours. It’s a concept we’ve developed to help us understand when we start to see weather that is cold enough to slow down the development of Microdochium patch and how variable it is across…

Categorized as Weather

Late Cranefly emergence

After the heavy rainfall this weekend I had several course managers reporting a late emergence of Cranefly just when they thought it was all over! The obvious question on there mind was “Do I stick with my Acelepryn timing plans?“ The answer to that is yes. The more we study the emergence pattern of the…

Categorized as Insects

FR321 latest STRI Data

As promised in this blog Here’s the latest in the FR321 trial we have going on at STRI which showed we could keep Microdochium pressure low by going early and preventative. We have continued to apply FR321 at monthly intervals Which we would NEVER recommended in the real world. We would always advise rotation of…

Can we go yet?

It feels like the whole of the last month I’ve been telling people to be patient and wait but has the time finally come when we can begin to apply Acelepryn? Well looking at this weeks PestTracker reported sightings I’d say we’re getting pretty close now and as a general rule in 2021 I’d be…

Categorized as Acelepryn

Turf Fungicide longevity using GDD

I get asked this one a lot – How long will my turf fungicide last? When you apply a fungicide there is a number of things going on: Reducing spore population around the plant Reducing spore population on the plant Defending and protecting the plant on the outside from new pathogen Getting into the plant…

Categorized as Fungicide

I haven’t seen any Cranefly should I still apply Aceleprn?

I’m getting asked this question alot. I’ve bought my Acelepryn, waited for peak flight and I just haven’t seen any……. Should I wait? Should I apply now? Should I not use it? Ok lets start at the beginning, any Acelepryn purchased under the Emergency Authorisation for Cranefly in 2021 must be used by the 29th…

Categorized as Insects

FR321 Latest trial data

A trial at STRI this year looking at the use of FR321 in integrated programmes designed to combat Anthracnose. As we creep into the Autumn period and the Microdochium pressure I felt the benefits we’ve seen in this trial of FR321 in controlling this problem would be worth sharing. The trial in question was put…

Categorized as Turf Care