Acelepryn – When to Apply

One of the questions I’m getting regularly asked at the moment is “I haven’t seen any chafers yet this year, should I still apply Acelepryn and if so when should I apply it?” The sightings for chafers on the Syngenta PestTracker have now slowed down and I would expect all chafers now to be fully…

To Bee or not to Bee – There is No Question

There really is no question about the importance of pollinators. Without them over 80% of the world’s flowering plants would not be ableto reproduce and 75% of crop plants require an element of animal pollination. And that includes the fruit and vegetables we eat everyday. Your morning coffee is equally at risk if the population…

No Chafers North of Coventry – Do we need VAR?

Your input is invaluable… Yes I’m going to start this with an unashamed plea for more help. Our chafer and cranefly Pest Tracker is, as far as I can tell the first data gathering exercise of it’s type. Whether you have an issue with these pests or not, please log your sightings on the Syngenta…

After Effects of the Rain – Chasing Green Speed

With the significant rainfall we’ve had, I’ve been interested to see what’s going on with our soil moisture probes? During the dry weather you can see that the 5cm deep probe was slowly getting drier whilst the 15cm deep probe was slowly getting wetter? My assumption is that this is because the push up green…

The Wet Week – Sustaining Healthy Turf

My regular readers will know that my last blog was all about just how dry things have been this year!!!!!! Well pretty much the moment I published that Blog it started raining and it’s only just stopped! Or at least that’s how it felt on my travels this week. This week I’ve been on tour…

Categorized as Weather

Lack of Rainfall and Soil Moisture Levels

When is it going to rain again? A lot of people I’m talking to at the moment are studying the forecast to see when, if and how much rainfall is coming. The above image shows the UK’s monthly rainfall compared to the 1981 -2010 average. The white to blue colours show average – wetter than…

Categorized as Weather

Acelepryn Application Window

With a few more Chafer sightings come in over the weekend and some rain on the horizon. If you are targeting Chafer Grubs then Friday the 7th June is a good time to apply Acelepryn in the South where sightings of Chafer have been recorded. There have been fewer sightings the further North you go…