South West Breakfast meeting

Was great to be down in the South West last week talking to greenkeepers about dollar spot and the AIM fungicide program.

Turf Dollar Spot

Big thank you to Richard, course manager at Burnham & Berrow Golf club for hosting the breakfast meeting with ICL last week. Was a great day for learning and networking with those facing many similar agronomic challenges in that area.

Liam Rowlands from ICL did a really good job to pull the event together and fill the room, thanks again Liam for giving me the chance to attend and talk all things dollar spot.

Seems odd when its still February to be talking about a Summer disease but May/June will approach us before we know it, so ground work needs to be laid and plans set for the season!


I did a talk covering the dollar spot trial we ran at Burnham & Berrow last year, and touched on the fungicides involved to get control.

We had Ascernity in the trial which performed really well, it’s now approved for use on greens and tees and labelled for dollar spot control. To recap last years dollar spot trials click here for the blog on it.

Henry from ICL talked on the disturbance theory and water management. Highlighting the importance of considering a quality wetting agent to get the most out of the water you have available in the soil, as whilst its wet now it won’t be forever!



Really good to catch up with so many people in one day, and really dig into the dollar spot issue and other issues being faced by those in the South West.

Thank you for those who hosted and spoke, and also helped with trial work last year which allowed us to keep learning on the dollar spot front.

It’s definitely the start of the journey for dollar spot control with much more to learn in this space.

Please do fill out the dollar spot survey to help us learn as much as possible about what you’re seeing locally.

I’ll do more blogs this year on the findings of the survey, hopefully there are some positive trends for us to all learn from.

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