Shady work at STRI Research 2018

Just back from a really interesting couple of Days presenting at STRI Research 2018.This year we presented our current joint trial work with ICL, looking at the impacts of shade and light on turf. 20180918_180340Our work will give us a really interesting insight into how turf can be managed under low levels of light. The research is currently based around the impact of Primo Maxx II and ICL's biostimulants and their impact on turfs ability to cope in shady conditions. The study of light is fascinating and the more work I do, the more I realise how important part of the jigsaw it is and how it will help us manage turf in the future. [caption id="attachment_1046" align="alignright" width="329"]20180919_121519 Chlorophyll content significantly higher in treated plots[/caption] The trials are at a very early phase but what immediately amazed be was just how much impact applications of Primo Maxx II had on lifting chlorophyll content under shade conditions - I'll be really interested to see how that impacts the plants ability to cope in low light conditions through the winter. [caption id="attachment_1050" align="aligncenter" width="553"]photsynthetic curve Graph showing light levels impact on photosynthesis[/caption] 20180920_150440 Making 14 presentations in 2 days to the industry's most inquisitive turf managers was a brilliant experience and despite the weather at the end of day two it was great to see everyone. STRI Research is a great event that, as a Course Manager, I'd never made the time to attend. Having had a chance to visit, I'd strongly advise anyone interested in turf to visit next year. [wpvideo CPMDR2yT]

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