PestTracker – latest update and advice

Although many are suffering with leatherjacket issues still, the Cranefly sightings have begun to slow down a little. The time to apply Acelepryn is still during peak hatch in the Autumn, as that's our best chance of hitting the largest population.

The Spring hatch is still mirroring the dry areas from last Autumn.

Garden Chafer still mostly spotted in the South

As predicted the Garden chafer sightings are beginning to rise, predominantly around the south of England at the moment. If Garden chafer is your target and you're based in the South you may want to think about applying your acelepryn the next decent application day.

Bear in mind that with non irrigated areas as dry as they are at the moment, thoroughly wetting the soil beforehand and immediately after application is essential to success. If this is not possible then waiting until rainfall is really important. This may mean moving away from the best timing but will insure the product reaches its target area.

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