Catégorie : Acelepryn

PestTracking - time to start logging cranefly sightings.


PestTracker Time

How to Apply Acepepryn for the best results on Golf Courses


The best and the rest of the 7 point plan for Acelepryn

Getting the Best from your Acelepryn Applications Part 1


3.5 (Half the 7 point plan for Acelepryn application success)


Is it over yet? Crane fly peak flight

Cranefly Flight 2022 for Golf Courses


Cranefly, wish for more data

Cranelfy Zero Hour


Cranefly – The Zero Hour

When will Cranefly Fly?


When will the Cranefly fly?


Cranefly hatch – how will the heat impact?

How will the cranefly hatch break in 2022? Back in 2020 we saw a dry and hot July which I wrote about here and at that time I think I was expecting it to drive an earlier hatch due to the dry weather. 2020 was hot and we experienced serious fires around the London area…


Acelepryn 0.6l or 1l bottles?

The recent Acelepryn Emergency Authorisation, and particularly sourcing the desired bottle sizes, has been an example of how delivering a product to market is a lot more complex than I ever gave credit for when I was managing golf courses. Now, after 7 years leading the UK & Ireland Turf and Landscape business and now…


All quiet on the chafer front …

Chafers are a serious insect pest in the right situation. We tend not to suffer as badly in the UK as we do from crane fly, but in those unlucky cases the damage can be significant. Whilst they may look like they can be easily dealt with in a ‘bush tucker trial‘, the scale of…