May FAQs 2022

Acelepryn EA

The big news for May 22 was the emergency authorisation for the use on Chafers. Details can be found here ...

We continue to apply for the full registration approval but in the meantime we are pleased to be able to access use in this way.

Its around this time of the year we need to start paying close attention to monitoring chafer beetles and Sean has put a blog together on the value of PestTracker which you can read below.


The warm temperatures of May and April showers (yes it seems April showers now come in May!) have picked up growth levels and with that a reduction in the phone calls about leatherjackets.

The combination of a later acelepryn application and a mild may seems to have moved us forward to better conditions.

We haven't cracked it yet but it feels like we have moved forward.

Please get in touch to let me know your experinces.


Some forward thinking people have started asking about anthracnose management plans - this is something Henry and myself cover in depth on On the Horizon......

I put this blog together a while back to help people through - its worth thinking about now as June and July is when the damage is done - even though you may not see it until the late summer.

We did a really interesting fungicide trial last year looking at Anthracnose control. I shared this blog with you last year which was an interesting side effect of that trial.

Look out this month and Sean will share the first half of this and what we learned regarding anthracnose.

Forgot to mention, the Amenity Spray Operator awards are now open for applications. It's a great award and the prizes are even better this year. Plus it only takes a few minutes to apply. Last years winners are pictured below. This year it could be you ...

Have a great June.

Don't forget the On The Horizon podcast, easy listening for all you turf lovers.


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