Ascernity – New tool for the box

We've had Ascernity in the US, Ireland and UK Stadiums for a while now, but we've recently got it for golf greens & tees UK. It gives us a new mode of action fungicide which is great news for getting control of turf diseases and resistance management.

You can read more about the UK approval here.

Or if you’re looking to build a fungicide program for Microdochium patch this article might be helpful.

If you’d prefer to listen to my dulcet tones instead, I’ll put the recent Ascernity update video at the bottom of this blog.

I’ve written a fair few blogs this year on Dollar spot, and we’ve seen great results this season with building Ascernity into programs to control it.

I’m excited to get out and see it being used for Dollar spot next season, but its got a great spectrum of fungal disease control and Autumn Microdochium programs will be smiling at the addition!

It’s labelled in the UK for Dollar spot, Anthracnose & Microdochium patch but studies have shown results on a a wider range of turf diseases so if these are also present in your situation then you can get an upside here.

With two systemic active ingredients you will need a level of turf growth for it to be moving in the plant and giving full coverage, whereas Medallion is great at lower temperatures (as growth is stopped and it doesn’t get taken away by the mower). Ascernity needs a small amount of active growth to get it where we want it.

As you know we’ll be talking more about the Turf Advisor app (so download it if you haven’t already!) in future blogs as it allows us to tap into some really useful data for informing product application timings. Read more about it here.

There isn’t a ‘specific date’ after which you shouldn’t use Ascernity, it’s going to be dictated by temperature and so “GP” or Growth Potential is a really useful model for us here. For Ascernity we’re saying GP’s above 20% will work best.

It’s ok for it to dip below 20%, once the product is in the plant and moving around it won’t be a problem. And if the GP dips for a few days and it rises again after, its fine.

It will still give a level of control below this, but you’ll get best performance +20% GP.

This is from Turf Advisor, GP for where I’m based in South Wales…

GP has been below 20% for me already this year but it would be fine to use Ascernity as we still have good numbers coming up, and you can see at the bottom of the screen shot the “Historic 2-week average” is still high for this time of year.

We’ve done some great studies in recent years on building programs to control Microdochium patch in turf, in ISTI over in Ireland.



In these trials they made 3 fungicide applications (which sounds a fairly stacked program). With the last spray going down on 22nd November, all applications were accompanied with Ryder.

The results were clear, with high disease pressure in the untreated areas, the treated plots had great disease suppression all the way into February with no further applications made.

Syngenta has a stand at SALTEX, so please do come and speak to us if you have any questions.

I did my first run today 0.5 miles, getting ready for the Early Bird Run at BTME. Yes my knees feel warm to the touch now, but it’s a worthy cause so it would be great to get as many out as possible to run/jog/walk the course!

If you collect BASIS points don’t forget you can earn them by reading the blog also.

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