When will it get cold?

My last blog got me thinking – when is it normal to start seeing frosts. I’m fortunate enough to have access to some pretty snazzy weather models and one of them can pick out the historical data for predetermined weather criteria. So when have seen more than 4 hours of temperatures below one degree? Winchester…

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First Frost and Microdochium Progress

We’re reaching that time of year when we start hoping for some decent frosts. A sustained period of cold weather will really help slow the progress of any Microdochium and it generally signals a period of drier weather too. Now assuming you’ve come through this Autumn with clean surfaces so far then cold weather is…

Dry September but Wet Golf Courses

Talking to turf managers at the moment it’s clear to see that despite having a dry summer they are having to manage some very wet courses. I don’t think this has surprised many turf managers but its has caught a few members by surprise who were playing on very dry and firm surfaces one week…

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Climate Change – How is it Impacting Turf Managers?

A bit graph heavy this one!!!! Climate change is certainly in the news at the moment but how is it manifesting itself onto turf managers? I spend more time than is good for me studying weather patterns and if I’m honest it’s pretty tricky pulling out obvious changes. Mainly because we only have access to…

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