June FAQs 2020

Planning to make this a regular monthly feature.

So what were my most frequently asked questions last month, June 2020?

Should I be watering Primo in?

I think this one came from a tweet that showed someone watering in a primo application that was applied with a wetting agent.

Short answer is NO. Any time you mix two products with different target areas (Primo - leaf / Qualibra soil) you are making a compromise (albeit a conscious one), and your application technique compounds this decision.

Primo needs about an hour until it's rainfast. My concern with watering primo in immediately isn't that you're reducing the efficacy (that's a conscious decision you make - after all, you have a legal obligation to read the label - and it states it there) but if your watering in isn't consistently timed then you'll see varied results from the primo from green to green. If some greens are watered immediately and others don't get watered for an hour then some greens, or parts of greens will be under higher levels of suppression than others.

GDD - I'm confused

I've been talking a lot about GDD based applications recently - mainly driven by the Lockdown trial we did at the STRI.

Don't be confused - it's really pretty simple - when applying primo on greens to get the best out of it use the below timings.

  • Cool weather – every 4 – 5 weeks
  • Warm weather – every 10 – 14 days
  • In the middle – In the middle

If you want to use GDD and our GDD tool then I'd aim to target re-application somewhere between 100 - 150 GDD.

Check out this blog for more info....

Has Acelepryn been granted an EA for Leather Jackets yet?

At the time of asking - NO but as of now (1st July 2020) YES. Click here for news....

The Emergency Authorisation extends until the 31st October. The key message is to be patient. The best time to apply is after peak flight. Assuming this year mimics last years flight patterns then ideal timing will be around early October.

The separate Emergency Authorisation for leather Jackets has allowed us to extend the application into October.

Keep logging those sightings at PestTracker....

Should I spray Acelepryn for chafers yet?

Chafer sightings reduced significantly once we got into July last year. So assuming we see the same flight patterns as last year we're looking for the best spraying day after they have flown.

If you've seen them on your site or have historical problems then you should be looking out for that next wind free day with light rain. The objective is to get the product off the leaf and into the area the grub feeds ASAP so light rain or irrigation is ideal.

Remember the Emergency Authorisation extends to the end of August and Chafer applications need to be made before then.

Logging chafer sightings on PestTracker will help us further understand the chafer flight patterns.

My XC nozzles don't fit my sprayer

I get asked this one so often - it's got it's own blog!

Favorite tweet of the Month


I have a role that involves presenting data everyday - So I really enjoy seeing it done well. If you love weather watching (and what turf manager doesn't) It's worth giving @neilrkaye a follow.

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